Bruid: Robyn Sadie
Bruidegom: David Sadie
Liefdesverhaal: David and I met on a random Saturday in our home town of Paarl.
After misplacing my phone, David kindly offered to call it… A clever move to sneakily get my number. A week later we went of our first wine date to which I gave him my car keys and said “take me on an adventure”. An adventure we have had. After 8 years of dating, David dropped onto one knee and asked the question of every girls dream!
The answer was naturally YES. Getting to spend the rest of my life with my best friend was like winning the lottery. We got married the following December in the heart of Robertson. Surrounded by the beauty of nature and the warmth of loved ones, it was a day that felt both magical and intimate.
Spesiale oomblik van troudag: Ons was geseënd met een van die warmste dae in Desember vir ons troudag. Die oomblik wat uitstaan bo alles was toe ons na mekaar draai om ons huweliks belofte aan mekaar te sê en die wind begin waai het. Ons dominee het dadelik sy preek verander na die woord “Ruach”. “God se seën deur wind”. Die Here het ons huwelik belofte gehoor en dit was ongetwyfeld die mees spesiale oomblik van ons troudag.
Onthaalplek: Duvon Wine Farm
Dorp/Stad: Robertson
Beskryf die troue in drie woorde: Kleurvol, Intiem, Liefde
Troudatum: 16/12/2023
Fotograaf: Nikkie Fivaz