Tamsyn Strydom

Bruid: Tamsyn Strydom

Bruidegom: Amandus Strydom

Liefdesverhaal: A man who loves to see the world through his lens and a woman whose heart belongs to teaching our future generations, have found a forever love with each other. Tamsyn and Amandus met at a student residence in Stellenbosch and started out as friends. They slowly started to develop feelings for one another, adding heart emoji’s into their watsapps. After finishing their studies, Tamsyn moved to Blouberg and Amandus moved to Bellville, but 4 years later they visited Stellenbosch for a day, got engaged and 1 year later they were married! They delighted in a fairytale wedding surrounded by their closest friends and family, centred around God. They feel a deep feeling of peace, patience, love and joy when they’re together, and this is how they know they’re soulmates that God placed together!

Spesiale oomblik van troudag: Our ceremony was most definitely the most memorable moment! We were surrounded with all our amazing family and friends, and our precious ring bearers brought our rings to us. Amandus’ ring given to him by his late grandfather has A&T on it representing his oupa and ouma (Amandus Snr and Tamar) with their wedding date, and we had our wedding date engraved on it too. We are the next A&T generation!

Onthaalplek: De Uijlenes

Dorp/Stad: Gansbaai

Beskryf die troue in drie woorde: fairytale, sentimental, fun

Troudatum: 03/01/2024

Fotograaf: Holistic Photography

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